101 Reasons Why You Should Travel With Your Baby

Reasons to travel with a baby

When I first started down this path to curating all these answers on “why to travel with a baby“, it really was just a fun idea. Some crazy idea I had while out for a walk. It seemed like a good way to generate some content for our baby travel blog and our social media channels. 

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Does Baby Need a Passport to Travel?

family at airport with mother holding baby and handing over passports

When we were expecting our first baby, we knew we wanted to keep traveling. The first question that came up was “does baby need passport to travel domestically?”. The answer was pretty clear, a baby requires a passport for any kind of international travel, even if our baby was just an infant. 

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20 Tips to Survive Toddler Jet Lag

toddlers and jet lag

If you are looking for answers on how to overcome jet lag for toddlers, you’ve come to the right place. As a mother who has had a lot of experience traveling internationally with a toddler, I can assure you that while toddlers do get jet lag, my toddler jet lag tips will help you and your toddler get back on a better sleep schedule soon.

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25 Amazing Baby Travel Toys

baby playing with baby travel toys.

I always pack our baby a few favorite baby travel toys any time we travel whether it’s by plane, car or even for the stroller. After several family trips with a baby, I’ve learned what will keep a baby’s attention and which baby travel toys aren’t worth packing. While I’m certain these baby travel toys will work to keep your baby entertained, just choose a few of these toys for traveling with a baby that will easily fit in your carry-on luggage or diaper bag.

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My Favorite Travel Toys for 3 Year Olds

3 Year Old Travel Toys

If your toddler is anything like mine, then you know what it’s like to travel with a mobile, inquisitive and talkative little person. While he has a much longer attention span for watching shows and movies, I still like to pack travel toys for my 3 year old.

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Must-Have Travel Toys for 1 Year Olds

flying with lap toddler.

Perhaps you are already dreading being stuck on an airplane for hours with a 1 year old. I’m going to be completely honest, I found this to be one of the most challenging ages to fly with. That being said, being prepared and having some travel toys for 1 year olds will go a long way.

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Best Airplane Activities for Babies and Toddlers

The best baby travel toys and toddler plane activities

Traveling with small children can be so rewarding, yet many parents get nervous about the prospect of flying with a baby or toddler. I get it… even though I had frequently traveled with my children, I was still nervous before many flights with our small kids. I didn’t want to be one of “those parents” with a crying baby on the flight or having our toddler run up and down the aisles.

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The Top 6 Baby Monitors for Travel in 2025

baby monitor for travel on table with two baby toys

If you’re a traveling parent, once you successfully get your baby to sleep on vacation, you still want to keep an eye on your little one while they sleep. Staying in a vacation rental with separate rooms is one of my favorite ways to help everyone get a good night’s sleep. If you are not sharing a hotel room with your baby, one item I recommend you add to your baby travel essentials is one of the baby monitors for travel from this list.

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The Top 10 Double Travel Strollers in 2025

Best Double Strollers for Travel

I know from experience that it can be challenging to travel with two small children. Every parent wants to make their life a little easier while traveling, so why not take some time to determine if you want to invest in a double travel stroller. Whether you have twins or a baby and a toddler, a travel double stroller can be a life saver.

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